Puppy Plan

Our Puppies Get Some Extra Training

In 2020 we were delighted to introduce our new training and socialisation package for all our pups being rehomed.

While here at the Sanctuary our puppies will follow our own socialisation programme and once adopted their new family will be responsible for ensuring that the pups attend further, formal training classes.  All this will ensure they have the best possible start in life!

The following criteria will apply:

  • Pups are confirmed within the age bracket from 10 weeks to 4.5 months.
  • All pups must be in receipt of their second vaccination prior to commencing the classes.
  • The adoption fee of all puppies re-homed via the Sanctuary will be inclusive of the cost of the class.

We have selected the following suppliers who will provide a positive training experience for both the owner and pup in a fun and interactive while connecting directly to the principles and ethos of the Sanctuary.

In order to book your pup in to a class, please contact one of the following :

  • Robin Bates Dog Training – email robin@dog-training-ni.co.uk, contact number 07730 941 989. Areas covered are Belfast and Ballyclare.
  • Dogs Best Friend Training – Al Rankin, email info@mydogsbestfriend.co.uk, contact number 07989 387 407. Areas covered Lisburn, Lurgan, Portadown and Banbridge.
  • Louise Scott – email info@daykinandscott.com, contact number 07719 796 544.  Area covered is Mallusk.
  • Dogs Trust Dog School – book via Dogs Trust website, contact number 0300 175 5122. Areas covered are Belfast, Antrim, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Larne, Magherafelf and Derry/Londonderry.

Please us on 028 9446 3993 or by email, contact@midantrim.org should you have any queries.

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