Sponsorship Dogs
Meet our ‘long termers’
Some of our dogs, through no fault of their own, have failed to be selected by anyone looking for a suitable pet or cannot be rehomed due to their age or behavioural problems. These dogs need care, love and attention here at the Sanctuary just as much as any other and in order to address this we have our long term sponsorship plan.
By sponsoring Alfie for just £5 a month (or an annual donation of just £60) you’re helping ensure that we will always be here to take care of him for the rest of his life.
When you sponsor Alfie you will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship and regular updates from him throughout the year.
Why not show your commitment to us and our long termers by becoming a sponsor today?
Find out more about Alfie by clicking on his profile below and if you would like to sponsor him and in doing so contribute to his life at the Sanctuary and his daily enrichment activities please download a form here.