Tom TomMale2 1 /2 YearsSchnauzer8.2 KGTom was recently surrendered to the sanctuary due to family and work commitments meaning Tom wasn’t...
Pablo Pablo 3 Years Approx Male DSH Pablo was recently handed into our local vets as a stray. We unfortunately do...
Digby DigbyDLH Black/White14 Years MaleDigby is a sweet senior who was sadly surrendered due to his owners passing. He has a...
Jingle Jingle Female Terrier X Approx. 4 years old Pretty Miss Jingle was an unclaimed stray from a pound. Due to...
February 20, 2024February 22, 2024Animal welfare coalition launches priorities at Stormont The Northern Ireland Companion Animal Welfare Group (NICAWG) launched its eight new priorities for improving animal welfare legislation in Northern... Read More
September 21, 2023September 21, 2023A Huge Thanks to Everyone who attended the opening of our New Enrichment and Activity Centre Huge thanks to the Mayor of Antrim, Councillor Mark Cooper BEM, for formally opening our new enrichment and agility area... Read More